Published on Oct 8, 2013 Dennis Harms·2 videos
"I just threw some of my small Reaktor weekend projects into one ensembe to see how it sounds like, you can hear and see the result in this video.
All the instruments in this ensemble are just ideas or prototypes or however you want to call it. Especially the "Circle Seq" thingy is a really basic idea I realized very quickly yesterday, I have quite a few cool ideas where to go with it though (Recursive modulation between the LFOs that run the sequencers should be fun for example!).
I'm doing nothing is this video by the way, all the instruments are entirely self running.
Sorry for the bad video quality, one day I'll learn how to use all this fancy video stuff."
This on the Surface Pro.
Microsoft Surface Pros on eBay
Microsoft Surface Pros on Amazon
Random Reaktor Stuff 02
Published on Oct 8, 2013 BrontoScorpioMusic
"Another random Reaktor jam using some of my smaller, unfinished ensemble ideas.
I'm controlling the routing matrix of the Node Seq via a MIDI keyboard, everything else is self running. This ensemble does not use any samples, everything is generated in realtime."
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