MATRIXSYNTH: modular synth : another IDM study

Saturday, August 09, 2014

modular synth : another IDM study

Published on Aug 9, 2014 ipnoteca

"here a brief description of what is going on:

4MS QCD control:
ch1 - Z8000 horizontal row trig the kickdrum made with DARK ENERGY - cv in by channel 1 pressure point that provide division or multiplication
ch2 - woggelbug clock in - cv in by channel 2 pressure point that provide division or multiplication
ch3 - trig one channel of QUADRA - cv in by channel 3 pressure point that provide division or multiplication
ch4 - clock goest to RCD. cv in by EOR from a maths that gives a really nice varispeed groove

from RDC
various clocks sent to trig 3 different maths to different input, and to reset control direction of both 16 step on Z8000. vertical row trigger INTELLIJEL dual adsr that provide to trig bass sound made with SUBCON OSC passed throug DOEPFER wave multy then filtered by MMG

various cv coming from 3 different matsh control the A/D cv to open close the hit hat made with white noise and all the glitchy sounds coming from HERTZ DONUT and CYCONIX CYCLEBOX sent through the echophon cv in freeze.

the only melody comes from both channel of of a korgasmatron, love that sine, so round and soft, then sent to ERBEVERB
the nice attack is provided by QUADRA"

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