MATRIXSYNTH: "Temples Of Fire" from the Far Cry 4: Lakshmana Edition OST

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

"Temples Of Fire" from the Far Cry 4: Lakshmana Edition OST

Available on itunes

via MATRIXSYNTH Member Ramachandra Borcar:

"This track is taken off Ubisoft's 'Far Cry 4: Lakshmana Edition' videogame OST. Although Cliff Martinez did the score for a great deal of the game, I composed the music for both the Shangri-La & Arena Missions. The Shangri-La portions of the game combine live percussion & wind instruments with an array of synths, fx and drum machines, whereas the Arena Missions are exclusively performed live.

Synths used on the soundtrack: EMS VCS3, Roland SH-101 & Juno 106, Korg MS20, Moog Micromoog, Skychord Sleepdrone 5, Folktek modified OM-84 Omnichord, Dwarfcraft Rot Yr Brain and a Dewanatron Swarmatron.

Drum machines used on the soundtrack: Roland TR-808, Jomox M Brane 11, Companion 4 In The Floor

FX used: tons of new & vintage fx racks and pedals.

Live musicians:
Ramachandra Borcar: synthesizers, bowed cymbals, percussion, electronics
Patrick Graham: Japanese, Chinese and Korean percussion, hand cymbals
Shawn Mativetsky: tablas, dhol, percussion
Liu Fang: pipa
Claude Maheu: shenai, nagaswaram, Indian straight flute and bansuri, Chinese oboe
Angelo Munoz: Tibetan & brass horns
Catherine Potter: bansuri flute solos

Available on itunes

I'm a film composer based in Montreal and more recently, Los Angeles. You can check out more of my work on Soundcloud."

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