MATRIXSYNTH: New Soviet Polivoks Desktop Synth from Alex Pleninger in the Works

Monday, September 21, 2015

New Soviet Polivoks Desktop Synth from Alex Pleninger in the Works

Update: demo videos added below.

An approved clone of the Polivoks coming from Alex Pleninger.


Some new info from Alex Pleninger in via Soviet Space Child:

"The most important parts (defining sound) are soviet old stock, it includes filter, vca and both envelope generators
The osc are heavily reworked to provide stability, which is really excellent
Modulator made cv controlled, with additional waveforms
And all stuff is still 100% analogue
Excluding midi"

I asked him further about the VCO designs, i.e. if they're based on the originals, and he had this to say:

"Yes, the design is almost the same as in the old one
And one more point
The machine is approved by Kuzmin
We signed a deal
And it is built like a tank, believe me"

And via traffkin in the comments: "in close collaboration with Alexey Taber, great engineer and synth guru :)"

Polivoks in action videos. Use the controls at the bottom of the player to skip previously viewed videos if needed.


  1. in close collaboration with Alexey Taber, great engineer and synth guru :)

  2. English frontpanel please !! Not rusian.

    1. Learn English first :D "rusian"... the world don't know this word yet.
      I guess it will be in Russian still.

    2. If you can't figure out the functions even if it's in russian (Cyrillic letters) You don't deserve this synth :D

    3. Thanks for this endeavor. Please keep it Cyrillic. It would be really silly to create a clone and then spell it out in english for lazy dolts. Maybe that's harsh, but it's a bit frustrating to have someone weigh in and request English for a much desired Russian synth clone. Again, thanks for creating an opportunity to own a clone of this Soviet era synth.

  3. yes, it will :) we're thinking about optional printed layout

  4. Curious how much this is gonna go for. Would love to pick up. I had an original Polivoks, got it second hand in amazing condition for $700, but sold it. I deeply regret it. Hopefully the price won't be too crazy. This thing sounds great from the vids.

  5. Sounds fabulous, other manufacturers should rethink if they don't use analogue envelopes. They make such a dfference.

  6. Yes, they sound really in other way but it's really hard to make them cv-controlled

  7. All i know is that this was not approved by Mr. Kuzmin in any way

  8. I didnt sign any deal and approve anything. Vladimir Kuzmin.


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