MATRIXSYNTH: iPad Pro running iSEM AudioUnit in GarageBand

Friday, October 23, 2015

iPad Pro running iSEM AudioUnit in GarageBand

via @synthanatomy, @nlogmusic:

"More big stuff: iPad Pro running iSEM AudioUnit in GarageBand. Update will come soon!"

All the iPad needs is a Roland K25m style controller with three octaves, full size keys, and AT. Still can't believe no one has come out with one yet. The problem is most manufacturers likely think it will become obsolete with the change in size of the iPad, but that would not be the case if you were to just have a flat grippy back to rest anything on it. Heck if built properly you could rest any desktop synth on it like the new Prophet 6 Desktop. Three octaves with AT and velocity sensitive full size keys and adjustable back angle like the K25m to rest the synth or iPad on would be a dream. That is the one thing keeping the iPad from feeling like a real hardware synth imo.

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