MATRIXSYNTH: Christmas Camouflage for the JUNO-106 via Analogue Renaissance

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Camouflage for the JUNO-106 via Analogue Renaissance

via Analogue Renaissance

"As panasonic stopped making slide potentiometers a few years ago, the remaining stock of the ones that fit in the Juno-106 is now depleted and none of the available replicas are good enough according to my standards, I designed a new fader kit for the Juno-106. I added some LEDs (you can never have enough of those) to the mix and their brightness follows the position of faders.

The Unobtainium 4-position fader (custom made by Alps) is also included and will be available in non-led version. Most if it will be pre-wired to make installation easier and is designed as such (full analog design, separate power lines, hysteresis and separate reference for the HPF) to not interfere with the Juno's very sensitive readout of the faders. Fully operational protype is there. Some minor design changes need to be done for another prototype run and then it will go into production.

More info soon.

Best regards and Merry Christmas,

Jeroen of Analogue Renaissance.

1 comment:

  1. I'll be building more that a few of these into Kiwi-106 machines in 2016! Well done, Analogue Renaissance!


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