MATRIXSYNTH: German WaveFrame Corporation AudioFrame Flyer

Thursday, July 14, 2016

German WaveFrame Corporation AudioFrame Flyer

Another fascinating bit of synth history. Don't miss the UVI demos below. This is the first time the WaveFrame AudioFrame has been featured on the site.  There was a controller for one featured here, and it was used by Barry Schrader and mentioned in my interview with him here and one previous post here.

This one was sent my way via swissdoc: "I just scanned my mega-sized German flyer from 1988/1989 of the WaveFrame Corporation AudioFrame. It is 600x600 dpi an weights in as about 32 megs. You can find it here [or check out the images of the complete pdf in this post - click each to zoom in].

It is similar to Fairlight or Synclavier and was kind of the first DAW. The system is still supported by

UVI has an instrument based on it.

Features you could install into the slots:

-Sampler (44.1 kHz Samplerate, stereo, 2 - 30MB Ram, grafische Samplebearbeitung, 16 Stimmen pro Karte)
-Mischpult mit 16 Eingängen + Reverb & Delay
-AD und / oder DA Wandler

And via UVI:

"Back in the 80's the WaveFrame Audioframe was the second generation of mega samplers, in line with the NED Synclavier and Fairlight CMI. A complete 48-voice system would sell for over $100,000, and at the time the feature set was worth it! The Audioframe was used by renowned artists like Peter Gabriel and Stevie Wonder and by leading sound designers and foley artists.

The UVI WaveFrame Sound Collection isn't a massive library dredged with tens of gigabytes of super high resolution wave files - conversely, it's a lean and mean library expertly crafted after the original, weighing in at just over 350 MB.

As you can hear in the demos, size isn't a factor for this library. The collection contains a multitude of very useful and organic sounds such as keyboards, guitars, basses, solo strings, string sections, upper brass, lower brass, brass sections, woodwinds, synths, pacific rim, percussion, drums, effects and test tones.

WaveFrame Sound Collection brings you an excellent library of bread and butter sounds that preserve the character and history of this milestone in music tech history."

bottom pic via UVI

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