Tuesday, July 05, 2016


Published on Jul 5, 2016 Dimitrios Sismanis


Kick/snare: MI Peaks

Hat: Noise from Turing Machine and URA into WMD uHC, envelopes from Quadra. Sequenced by Turing Machine into Bastl Little Nerd and then SSF Propagate.

Bass: Verbos Harmonic Oscillator into Ripples, sequenced by Rene. Envelopes from Intellijel Dual ADSR.

Voice 1: Subconscious Communications Vampire into Ultrafold, Streams and then Clouds. Fold of Ultrafold modulated by slow LFO from Expert Sleepers/Silent Way. Sequenced by Popcorn, which receives gates from Little Nerd clocked by Knit Rider.

Voice 2: Mutable Braids in wavetable mode, FM’d by Subcon Vampire, timbre modulated by ADDAC 501 into WMD SSM mangling all 4 random outputs. Braids into Rings with multiple paramaters modulated by ADDAC 501/SSM, and then into Clouds #2.

Voice 3: Piston Honda mk II into MMG and the 4MS DLD. MMG mode and frequency modulated by ADDAC 501/SSM. Sequence from Turing Machine.

Voice 4: Intellijel Dixie II x 2 and into Polaris and Strymon Mobius, Timeline and then Big Sky. Sequence from Turing Machine. Envelopes from Peaks #2.

Voice 5: Cyclebox into Korgasmatron, both filter cutoffs modulated by ADDAC 501/SSM, and then into Snazzy FX Wow and Flutter. Both oscillators of Cyclebox sequenced by Pressure Points for chords. Pressure points modulated by Wogglebug, and receiving clock from QCD, which also is modulated by random LFO from Expert Sleepers/Silent Way.

All quantizing by ADDAC 207.

Some compression, EQ, panning, reverb, etc added in Ableton."

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