MATRIXSYNTH: Furby Organ Diary Pt1, How to sync a circuit bent furby to a synth

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Furby Organ Diary Pt1, How to sync a circuit bent furby to a synth

Published on Jan 15, 2017 LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER

Those eyes!!!

"So I'm planning on building quite a large project involving 50 furbies from a concept idea notebook from 2011. it involves each furry being tuned and hooked up to a separate key.

but it didn't go smoothly to start with so i started to build something else. which was a furby with 2 simple bends, but the major difference between this and other circuit bent furbies is its able to be synced to a synthesiser.

The schematic is at the end of the video! screenshot it, I've omitted any extra components to make it super simple!

it uses just 2 5v relays. i used EDRZ01A500 if you type that in on the electronics shop of your choice, or eBay! you'll find it. also you can find the pinout on the data sheet.

the relays basically just turn on the circuit bends on the furby when there is enough voltage to do so!

the 2 bends i used are very common and can be found on this site for more info :-"

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