MATRIXSYNTH: New DSP Synthesizers Polytron37 Divide Down Oscillator & Infinity37 Prototype Keyboard

Saturday, May 13, 2017

New DSP Synthesizers Polytron37 Divide Down Oscillator & Infinity37 Prototype Keyboard

via DSP Synthesizers

"Remember the old top octave divide-down organ oscillators?

They were fully polyphonic although with limited on/off envelopes.

The Polytron37 keyboard oscillator is a modern divide-down oscillator.

Besides being fully polyphonic on 37 keys it also features attack and release envelope, separate and polyphonic for each key.

It scans the 37-key keyboard, sends and receive MIDI, handles analog inputs for pitchbend and modulation, has analog inputs for ENV and outputs the audio and gate for following filters etc.

This is the prototype of the Infinity37.

Using the Polytron37, fully polyphonic DCO chip and featuring the brand new SSI2144 VCF, it will be a groundbreaking new analog hybrid synthesizer.

This is divide-down oscillator technology and filters creating a fully polyphonic synthesizer in 2017."

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