MATRIXSYNTH: New Synth Coming from PPG

Saturday, July 29, 2017

New Synth Coming from PPG

Something new is developing at PPG Published on Jul 29, 2017 WPalmWT

"A short teaser of my new synth
Thanks to Jean-Luc Nest for the beautiful sounds"

PPG of course is Wolfgang Palm, maker of the original line of PPG hardware synths, and the more recent iOS and software synthesizers based on the classic PPG wavetable synthesis and more. My guess is this will be a new software or iOS synthesizer, but you never know of course...

Current iOS synths by Wolfgang Palm:
WaveGenerator - Wolfgang Palm
WaveMapper - Wolfgang Palm
Phonem - Wolfgang Palm
MiniMapper - Wolfgang Palm

Current VSTs by Wolfgang Palm:
PPG WaveGenerator
PPG WaveMapper 2
PPG Phonem

Update: and here it is:

Infinite DemoSong

Published on Jul 30, 2017 WPalmWT

"Infinite demo song from Cornel Hecht"

Cool pin style modulation matrix. Interesting that Pitch appears to be a modulation source.

In the beginning

Published on Jul 31, 2017 WPalmWT

"A story about noise and sound
Thanks to #nachtsmeer# for the lyrics"


In the beginning there was noise

Pink noise

Structured noise

In time, from noise came individual sine waves.

Some of these sine waves were louder, others quite.

Some had low frequencies others frequencies were high.

The sine waves grouped together in various amplitudes and frequencies.

Together they created fundamentals, then formed partials, overtones and harmonics.

and in conclusion we journey on to the

PPG Infinite

1 comment:

  1. Any idea wether This one will be 9.3 compatible or not?


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