MATRIXSYNTH: Zeppelin Design Labs ALTURA Theremin MIDI Controller

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Zeppelin Design Labs ALTURA Theremin MIDI Controller

Check out the cool packaging below. There is a green version of the ALTURA as well. Zeppelin previously released the stylophone style Macchiato Mini Synth.

via Zeppelin Design

"The Altura is a MIDI controller that emulates the Theremin, the classic early electronic musical instrument. As you move your hands in the air, the Altura transmits MIDI data to your synthesizer to control pitch, volume, velocity, bend, modulation, portamento, and more! Use it to control any MIDI synthesizer, such as the Macchiato Mini Synth. Ready-to-play or build it yourself from a fun and easy DIY kit! Get a sleek black acrylic cabinet — kit or ready-to-use — or make your own cardstock cabinet using the provided template.

Requires 9V DC power. Use a battery (not included) or pick up a plug-in power supply.

If you are an Arduino enthusiast, you can hack the open-source software that runs the Altura, or download updates and flash them to your controller.

Connect with your music: build your own gear!"

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