MATRIXSYNTH: BugBrand StereoCompress Back in Production

Friday, December 01, 2017

BugBrand StereoCompress Back in Production

via BugBrand

"Finally I have the StereoCompress back in production with the first new batch released today.

Over the year since it was last available I've had people regularly asking for it - it is, after all, a very high quality master compressor with interesting features and a great sound - but I spent a good while investigating whether I could have the design fully built for me. In the end life has proved a bit too much of a juggle right now to take such a step, but I still learned a fair bit in the process. So I'm doing this again like all my other designs - having the PCBs & SMD work done externally and then building the rest up myself.

Go here::::"

"The Stereo Compress (equal stress on the COM and the PRESS) further rounds out the line of red processors with a supreme quality stereo VCA compressor providing the proverbial sonic glue or adding a healthy dose of smash to your sounds. Happy gently coaxing the stereo bus or punching individual instruments into shape, the circuitry springs from a classic of British compression but entirely rebuilds the internals while combining several new twists, and is presented in a package that demands deep discovery within the realms of transient shaping.
The Stereo Compress is best considered in two parts - see block diagrams:

Audio Section -
The audio path is kept minimal with high quality components for low noise operation. The left and right channels are identical, each featuring Balanced Input Buffer, Compression VCA (2164 quad IC), Dry/Wet Blend VCAs (equal power crossfading for parallel compression) and Output Buffer. The unit can be used as a single mono compressor (use either left or right side) or ganged stereo, with the side-chain feeds being tapped post input buffer.

SideChain -
The SideChain signal is taken initially as an equal sum of left & right inputs, but this sum can either be externally processed using Send/Return loop, or a different signal can be inserted. The Insert point is followed by Low and High Cut filters (12dB/Oct) allowing frequency dependent compression.
The SideChain processing is arranged around a Feedback VCA stage and contains rectification, ratio setting (2:1, 4:1, 10:1), fully variable Attack and Release time constants, and wide range Threshold and Make Up Gain controls. A Gain Reduction meter shows how hard the unit is being driven and features internal LED indication to show when the unit is Active (low red glow for bypass, brighter white glow for active - Animated GIF of the Meter lights)."

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