MATRIXSYNTH: New OBX Rack Synth Kit Stretch Goal Added to Abstrakt Instruments Kickstarter

Thursday, July 05, 2018

New OBX Rack Synth Kit Stretch Goal Added to Abstrakt Instruments Kickstarter

Follow-up to this post. via Abstrakt Instrument's Kickstarter:

"If funding reaches $25k we will be offering parts & assemblies for a full rack enclosure, front end, and power supply to build your own *OBX rack. We have already developed a front end for testing our *OBX parts but need to raise enough funds to make it worthwhile to dedicate resources to finish development on the full kit.

The *OBX rack kit will consist of the following:

Rack Enclosure with front panel
Panelboard PCB & BOM for building the front end
Motherboard PCB Assemblies for rack version
I/O board PCB Assembly
Power Supply Assembly
Estimated budget for these parts & assemblies is $995.

Do Not purchase *OBX Motherboards if looking to build the rack version, alternate motherboards would be used.

Disclaimer: We are offering these parts for the vintage Oberheim OB-X Synthesizer. The current status of the ownership of the original Oberheim name, logo, and the "OB-X" name are not known. Gibson, the most recent owner, is now in bankruptcy and is owned by a group of financial companies. We have specifically avoided using the original company name "Oberheim" and original model name "OB-X" in the naming of our parts. It may also be necessary to remove the brand and model name from the production PCB's."

Update: (in via swissdoc)

"Answers to questions regarding the stretch goal.

Q) The Rack Option would be the only thing of interest to me. Since you write "Do Not purchase *OBX Motherboards if looking to build the rack version, alternate motherboards would be used.", what would I order to get the Rack OB-X with 8 voices?

a) You would pledge only one item at this time - *OBX Voice Card Assembly (8-pack) $1750. But please keep in mind if the goal is reached the remaining assemblies will cost about $1000 when ready to ship.

Q) Is it possible to get a more clear picture of the front panel?

a) Below is a link, Kickstarter compresses and resizes images. Please note this image is a render. The test control board we currently use does not conform to 3U size and would need to be laid out.

Q) If the *OBX Rack becomes available will the boards be bare or assembled?

a) Either. There would be a BOM but an assembled version would be available as well.

Q) Will the proposed *OBX rack have MIDI.

a) yes, USB and DIN MIDI.

Q) Will the proposed *OBX rack have patch storage?

a) There is no patch storage on the prototype (it does have autotune). Patch storage can be included but the price would likely increase somewhat. We would decide as a community which option to pursue. If it ended up with patch storage the enclosure would be 4U with 12 additional buttons for selection of 120 patches."

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