MATRIXSYNTH: Dannysound CALI OSC (classic Buchla 258 style California oscillator)

Friday, October 05, 2018

Dannysound CALI OSC (classic Buchla 258 style California oscillator)

Published on Oct 5, 2018 DivKidVideo

"**TIMING INDEX / PATCHES LISTED BELOW** Here's the Cali Osc (california oscillator) from Dannysound which goes alongside the great EN129 thru zero FM oscillator to create a great pair of oscillators. However they are both great stand alone products and that's how they're presented. So watch the EN129 video (link below) after this one and enjoy them both. The Cali Osc is inspired by the Buchla 258 with wave shaping that crossfades between shapes. It begs for audio rate modulation and tonal exploration.

EN129 video


00:00 hello and welcome!

00:11 Patch previews - what’s to come in the video

01:00 Feature run down - tuning, wave shaping, FM etc.

01:48 Basic sounds - waveshaping, additional “quirks” etc

03:10 Using the wave shaper to mimic low pass filtering

04:40 Pulse output and PWM - exploring PWM sounds and audio rate pulse width modulation.

07:02 Audio rate wave shaping patch break #1

07:59 Cali Osc as an LFO - with FM and wave shaping for unique and “random” feeling wave shapes and modulation.

08:59 Audio rate wave shaping patch break #2

09:31 Exploring FM - looking at both the lin (linear) and log (logarithmic) frequency modulation inputs and depth controls.

12:32 Self patching! - patching the pulse output into the waveshape input to create new waveforms.

14:55 Audio rate wave shaping patch break #3

15:29 Outro run down"

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