MATRIXSYNTH: Boehm Dynamic 4x9 FM-Synthesizer - Two Demosongs & Realtime editing

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Boehm Dynamic 4x9 FM-Synthesizer - Two Demosongs & Realtime editing

Published on Feb 13, 2019 Stereoping

Neve seen one of these before.

"The Boehm Dynamic 4x9 is a fully editable 4 OP FM-Synthesizer similar to Yamaha's FB-01. It's got 4 'blocks' each supplying 9 voices from rough Yamaha YM2203 FM-chips.The Boehm is always in Multimode making it easy and funny building layersounds or multitrack arrangements. It also houses 2 different analogue BBD-effects called 'Phasing' and 'Ensemble' bringing some sound-modulation and Solina-feeling to the cold FM-world.

The video contains 2 little arrangements making use of several presets. 1st one is pure Boehm Dynamic 4x9 with a bit of reverb, no other gear used. Some photos show the inside of the unit.

The second song - starting with 'german volksmusik' and ending quite jazzy - uses drums from the Nord Drum 2 and displays the midi activity of the 4 blocks together with the Fruity Loops arrangement.

There is also a followup video showing realtime editing of the unit with a Midi-Controller."

Boehm Dynamic 4x9 - Realtime editing

Published on Feb 13, 2019

"Demo for realtime editing of the Böhm Dynamic 4x9 FM-Synthesizer. Session one scrambles a Strings preset. Second session starts with the sound of an E-Tom. The color of the LED dispays which parameters are currently changed. Switching the BBD-effects around 2:24 & 2:45 (should have made that first on the unchanged string preset, i know).
Caution! The sound is partly distorted and aggressive, you might want to turn the volume down before starting the video."

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