MATRIXSYNTH: Building the Super Sixteen Eurorack Sequencer

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Building the Super Sixteen Eurorack Sequencer

Published on May 30, 2018 Extralife

You can find the code, schematic and KiCad files here.
You can find Extralife on Patreon here if you would like to support his projects.
You cab download KiCad EDA 5.0 for free here:
For a detailed look at how to multiplex a grid of LEDs, check out this tutorial (a shift register is used instead of an i/o expander).

1. Designing a Eurorack Sequencer - Pt. 1: Digital to Analog
In this new series I'll be designing, prototyping and building a sequencer module for my eurorack sythesizer using the Arduino platform. In this episode, we connect the arduino to our 12v power supply and add a digital-to-analog converter output so our sequencer can output proper 0-8v CV signals.
2. Designing a Eurorack Sequencer - Part 2: Seven Segment Displays
Continuing to design and prototype the Super Sixteen sequencer module for my eurorack sythesizer using the Arduino platform. In this episode, we wire up a seven segment display to show some visual feedback using another serial chip, the I/O expander. Then we take a crack at making our sequencer play a scale!
3. Designing a Eurorack Sequencer - Part 3: Enter the Matrix
Continuing with the Super Sixteen, we build the sequencer's namesake sixteen-button grid, explore matrix wiring and multiplexing in combination, and construct our first working prototype that actually plays a sequence!
4. Designing Eurorack Sequencer Part 4: Making a PCB with KiCad 5.0
In this episode we get into some proper electronics design with KiCad and develop a new layout for a printed circuit board. Then we get to do the fun part and fabricate it at home using a toner transfer and ferric chloride etching.
5. Designing a Eurorack Sequencer - Part 5: Assembly
In this episode we assemble the first PCB prototype of the Super Sixteen with our trusty soldering iron and a spool of mod wire. After a few fried chips and more than a few repairs, it's time to wire it up to our synth and try out some actual sequencing!
6. Designing a Eurorack Sequencer - Part 6: Front Panel and External Sync
Or, "How to Make a Eurorack Front Panel: The Cheap Way"
In this episode we upgrade our module with a faceplate, and add some advanced features like external sync, pitch calibration, and glide/portamento.
7. Designing a Eurorack Sequencer part 7 - New PCBs, Motion Recording, Beat Repeat
In this episode, we assemble, inspect, debug, and reprogram our new dual-PCB stackup for the Super Sixteen eurorack CV sequencer. Not everything goes according to plan!
8. Designing A Eurorack Sequencer Part 8: New panel, Patch memory, Performance effects
In this installment we fabricate a new front panel for the Super Sixteen using the toner transfer process, and then take a spin with some of the new advanced features it sports, like patch memory, scale selection, swing timing, and a gang of performance rhythm effects.

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