MATRIXSYNTH: Akai Introduces MPC Jupiter Rising Synth Expansion by INHALT

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Akai Introduces MPC Jupiter Rising Synth Expansion by INHALT

Published on Mar 16, 2020 INHALTVIDEO

"I'm very pleased to announce the release of Jupiter Rising, the first INHALT Sample Library exclusively for the Akai MPC and Force range. This library is available directly through Akai Professional:

When I first got the MPC X I was taken aback by the sheer sound quality of the new audio engine. The filters, in particular, sounded warm and very analog like. After putting the machine through several productions, I quickly realized that the X is essentially a modern day Fairlight. It soon became my go to production center piece and my older MPCs (3000 and the ASQ10 sequencer) were quickly sold. Yes, it's that good. After some more time of working with the machine passed, I wanted to develop a comprehensive set of synthesizer oriented patches that could be quickly recalled for fast production access but with no compromise in sound quality. One of the most useful synths in a production context, to my ears and experience, is the Jupiter 8. While not a particularly showy synth, its tone and range of sounds makes it possible to slot into any production. As such, I thought this would be a great candidate for a deep sampling.

This library is the culmination of many months of work doing exactly that. Some patches are multi-sampled classic JP8 patches, and while those sound absolutely exceptional, the real stars are the short cycle samples. I employed the power of the MPC Engine to play back a different short-cycle sample per key press, per zone, randomly. This creates the feeling of playing the real JP8 as every key press is slightly different than the previous. When combined with the vast set of filters, an incredibly convincing analog-like sound is the end result. There are many patches of various combinations of samples included to cover every possible oscillator combination like on the real synth (i.e. 1 vco saw, 2 vco saw+saw, 2 vco saw+square ...) which leads to the most convincing sample based emulation of the classic synth. These raw patches serve as a starting point for your own sound design, however there are also many characteristic INHALT patches that are ready to go for your own music making.

In short, once the library was done, I was absolutely floored by how accurate and convincing this sample library really is at getting the mood, vibe, feel, and exact sound of the JP8. I think you will find the same. I had a really fantastic time working with all at Akai Professional on this and out of the many projects I've taken on, I'm probably the most pleased with how the end result came out on this one. All of the sounds (including drums) that you hear are 100 percent the Jupiter Rising Library recorded directly from the MPC X stereo output."

"Introducing Jupiter Rising, the latest expansion instrument offering from Akai Professional. Jupiter Rising re-creates the legendary sounds of one of the world's most iconic synthesizer. The highly sought after sonic palette is now available for your MPC X, MPC Live, MPC One and Force."

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