MATRIXSYNTH: Elektron Announces Analog Four & Analog Rytm OS Upgrades

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Elektron Announces Analog Four & Analog Rytm OS Upgrades


Following the design updates, Elektron announces OS updates to the Analog Four & Analog Rytm.

"Grab your Analogs, new and old! It’s upgrade time! To partner the new-look Analog Four and Analog Rytm, we have a superpowered OS Upgrade packed full of extra features available for everyone as of this very minute.

The MKIIs are bringing Class Compliant USB Audio with advanced voice routing capabilities onboard, while both MKI and MKII versions of the machines (and Analog Keys) get boosted with Step Recording, Trig Probability, Trig Review, a bevy of bug-vanquishing performance improvements, and much more.

More info at Elektronauts:"

Additonal details on the update:

"Grab your Analogs, new and old! It’s upgrade time! To partner the new-look Analog Four and Analog Rytm, we have a superpowered OS Upgrade for each machine. These upgrades extend all the way back to the MKI versions of both instruments (and Analog Keys) unless noted, meaning there are plenty of music-making bonuses for everyone!

Class Compliant USB Audio (MKII only)

Class Compliant USB Audio is now available on the Analog Four MKII and Analog Rytm MKII. Connect to a compatible phone, tablet, or computer, and record or process your audio easier than ever before. Add software superpowers via apps to give you countless possibilities: Parameter automation, bi-directional audio processing, audio recording, MIDI sequencing & sync, and that’s just the start. More modulation, more LFOs, more magic.

Step Recording mode
Step Recording comes to the Analogs! Fresh from its splashdown on the Digis, the machines can now input notes into the sequencer step by step. For Analog Rytm users, you can even input multiple tracks simultaneously. On Analog Four, things stay tasty allowing you to input chords per step. Flex the feature’s power to the max by controlling other gear using Midi, CV, and Gate!

Trig Probability
The Analog Four and Analog Rytm now have the power of Trig Probability in their arsenal. With great power comes controlled unpredictability. Take a pattern, take a chance, and see where you go!

Trig Preview
Trig Preview on the Analog Four and Analog Rytm lets you beat the pattern to the punch. Preview individual trigs quickly and easily whenever you want, keeping you ahead of the track and never missing a step.

Improved sample & sound management
Keeping your Analog Rytm and Analog Four organized is now easier than ever. Improved sample and sound management lets you remove whatever you’re not using, giving you more room for new sounds and new music. Get purging!

More improvements & fixes
You also get access to the sweet new factory content released with the new look MKIIs on all machines except Analog Four MKI & Analog Keys. For a full list of improvements and bug fixes - check the release notes.

To use the upgraded Analog OS with Overbridge, please update to Overbridge 2.0.41, also released today to support the new firmware."

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