MATRIXSYNTH: GLASYS: Can I Write a JRPG Theme... In An Hour? (From Scratch #1)

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

GLASYS: Can I Write a JRPG Theme... In An Hour? (From Scratch #1)


"Watch me succeed (or fail miserably?) at composing & recording a JRPG-style tune in one hour. (I didn't actually plan on writing a video game style theme, I just hit record and that's what came out).
So, I've been wanting to do this for a long time - get over my own perfectionism and create something as quickly as possible, without the ability to redo stuff or get into the details. Obviously it's far from perfect, but I actually had a lot of fun doing this - it's very liberating!
I would love to make this a weekly challenge. Let me know if you enjoyed watching this, and if you have any ideas for future episodes (could be anything from a certain style, a mood, or even a cover that I create in one hour)."

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