MATRIXSYNTH: Sonicsmith ConVertor E1 introduction, Eurorack pitch-tracking synthesizer

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Sonicsmith ConVertor E1 introduction, Eurorack pitch-tracking synthesizer


"The ConVertor E1 is not a marginal improvement. It's actually a total redesign of every aspect from the ground up, supplemented by a slew of new features. Don't let its small size fool you. This 3-PCB sandwiched module was designed to stay narrow so we can stack multiple units side by side for polyphonic sets. Only 100 units are expected to be manufactured for 2021."

via Sonicsmith

"ACO/VCO pitch tracking, expandable oscillator alongside a feature-rich, studio preamp.

The ConVertor E1 merges the pro-studio into the Eurorack modular synth into what can be called the ultimate “synth channel”. With its pitch tracking DCO alongside a preamp with many pro features for the instrumentalists and vocalist, or for the working musician professional/sound engineer/designer. All functions in the ConVertor E1 are digitally controlled and can be saved/recalled as presets for a plug n’ play, intuitive performance while leaving you with analog CV outs to continue your sonic journey. With MIDI 2.0 ready digital interfacing option, firmware and hardware expansion, and polyphonic options, the ConVertor E1 is an extremely versatile tool.

Currently receiving pre-orders, limited production run. Shipping late March 2021."

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