MATRIXSYNTH: Korg NTS-1 & Liven 8Bit Warps - Boating Lake Ambient - Jamuary 10th 2021

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Korg NTS-1 & Liven 8Bit Warps - Boating Lake Ambient - Jamuary 10th 2021


"The Liven 8Bit Warps in this video was kindly supplied by Sonicware

I'm super late with Jamuary and I suspect I'll be a little busy this year with other music based duties, but I'll try to join in where I can

This jam came about after experimenting with the midi out on the Liven 8Bit warps which sequence external devices, it also accepts audio from external devices though a stereo 3.5mm socket so it seems like a pretty good match for the Korg NTS-1 seeing as it has no sequencer

The 8Bit Warps sends sync, note and CC data from any knob or recorded knob movement, though I couldn't really find any midi CC's that matched up well with the Korg NTS-1 (cutoff for example is a different midi CC) so I stuck to adding a bit of variety by hand to the notes sent from the 8Bit Warps sequencer

The patch playing on the NTS-1 is 'Milk Bottle' from my recent NTS-1 Megademo video. The rest of the audio is synthesized on the 8Bit Warps then recorded and played back from it's built in audio loopers.

The video is some found footage of a boating lake I found on some mini DV tapes in an auction lot"

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