Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Oberheim OB-12

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"Very rare Oberheim OB-12. I think these were only made for one year! Crazy polyphonic virtual analog synth with dual multimode filters, assignable ribbon controller, 2 LFOs, arpeggiator, sequencer, aftertouch, a "morph" function that allows you to go from one sound to any completely different sound using the mod wheel or a given amount of time, PLUS built in overdrive, delay, chorus, and reverb AND an entire equalizer all with real time controls right there on the front panel. Each sound has 2 VCOs that can use any of the classic waveforms at the same time plus all the other stuff I mentioned. You can then take any 4 sounds and put them together layered or split about the keyboard anyway you want and save that as a preset. Huge stuff. I just serviced it and put a brand new screen in since the originals all went bad on these. The replacement screen has a knob that controls the contrast. It's a weird design where the knob just hangs from a wire and the options were to have it inside of the synth where you can not get to it or dangling out. I chose to have it out so I can adjust it if I want. You can see it in one pic. That's how it's supposed to be. The replacement screen alone was $150. One key looks like it was broken but it was repaired very nicely (see pic) Fully functional rare synth with the latest OS installed. There's a couple chips in the paint and some light wear here and there. This is heavy and solidly built. No crappy plastic here."

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