MATRIXSYNTH: MicroAddict: Synths & Microbes

Sunday, January 30, 2022

MicroAddict: Synths & Microbes

video upload by MicroAddict

This one is in via supporting member SynthAddict who had the following to say:

"I started a new microscope life channel that will feature original synth music, mostly from modular to add to the mood.

My launch video today features some ambient space music from a Korg Wavestation A/D for all parts, made on an RC-505 looper (DAWless). For now it’s interesting visuals with synth music.

One of my upcoming videos will feature microbes found on synths and drum machines: cables, keys, pads, buttons, and strips... and chairs/floors. Should be fun 😀 it might get folks to dust and clean the studio more often."

And: "The critters here came from a local park and a pond.
The tardigrade came from dry moss and I brought him out of stasis by oaking the moss.
The spider was on the moss before I soaked it (extra bonus).

Tardigrades can survive very harsh conditions and 'resurrect'.
NASA even took them into space and they survived!"


  1. Will you need a new category Synth Euglena? It's a slippery slope.

    1. the Euglena is a clever bugger - unicellular animal that can have chlorplasts (heterotroph)

      it could use the solar energy to power its own microsynth :-)


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