MATRIXSYNTH: Keytek CTS2000 Cross Table Sampled Synthesizer SN 0279

Sunday, May 01, 2022

Keytek CTS2000 Cross Table Sampled Synthesizer SN 0279

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You can find a couple of videos featuring the CTS2000 in previous posts here.

"THE GIBSON Synthesizer. The only.

Its name: The Keytek CTS 2000
Analog True vintage : CURTIS CHIPS // CEM 5530 / 8 CEM 3389
Released in 1987.

RARE COLLECTOR Early Model number 279

This will be supplied with :

1 COMPLETE IN ENGLISH !! Instruction Manual ! 64 pages
1 EXTERNAL ORIGINAL MEMORY CARD of this KEYTEK CTS 2000 model to store even more of your sounds.

Fender has also released one on its side: The Chroma Polaris.

Story : Gibson had bought the Italian brand SIEL (Societa Industrie Elettroniche)
and worked in collaboration with its engineers who had already released
a lot of synthesizers including ( Cruise, Orchestra, Orchestra 2, Dk-70,
Ex-80, Dk-80 , Expander , Opera 6 , Dk-600 , Dk-700 , Kiwi ) and worked
themselves with suzuki and knew how to draw inspiration from analogs
from Korg .Moreover it would have been produced in Japan.

Gibson's synth, the Keytek CTS 2000 is a 330 plus wavetable based
synthesizer. But it is above all one of the last analog synths of this era. For
this it was equipped with Curtis chips, the same used in the little brother
of the Waldorf Wave, the Microwave .... as well as the Prophet 2000 which
is a Sequencial Audio / Dave Smith sampler ...

It has 6 voices with 2 oscillators per voice.
7 levels of envelope settings...
A Total MIDI Implementation....
An internal memory to save 48 sounds.
Finally its specialty of Cross Table Sample allows to mix for a sound of the
wavetables between them to obtain a combination of 330 X 329 so 9000 !

That is more than 9000 waveforms more than the sinusoid, the triangle,
the square, the sawtooth ! And this for a single voice ....
Each oscillator can be tuned differently for Fat sound .
An Lfo is also present to modulate these.
ADSR on 7 levels
All this in many combinations

One cannot simply overcome its possibilities.

It produces a unique sound. With it your instrumentations won't sound too much today.
He will add a personal color. It can produce percussive sounds, particular pads...

Another thing that differentiates the KEYTEK CTS 2000 is that very few copies
were produced in the world.
There are 2 other Keytek models but they are only weakly trimmed compared
to this one.

The model on sale was released in the very First GIBSON-SIEL workshops.

Number 279."

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