MATRIXSYNTH: 8Dio Deep Quintet Strings - Official Walkthrough

Thursday, June 02, 2022

8Dio Deep Quintet Strings - Official Walkthrough

video upload by 8dioproductions

"Deep Quintet Strings is the world's first string library with 9-way Round Robin legato, capturing the realism and beauty of these concert instruments at an unprecedented level. Repetition is such a key component of musical phrasing, but playing repeated notes here doesn't mean you'll be hearing the same sample over and over again. Each Quintet note is fresh and organic, with no trace of the robotic "machine gun effect."

Featuring two Violins, one Viola and two Cellos, Deep Quintet Strings allows you to solo, mute or pan between each of the instruments whenever and however you like. You can even move between close and distant mic positions, which gives you complete flexibility to shape this String Quintet and its studio environment.

We stand for only the best in musicianship, and Quintet Strings has all the intricacy and expertise you would expect from us, putting fully dynamic and moving performances at your command. Recorded in a controlled studio environment, Deep Quintet Strings was produced with incredible attention to detail and without compromise.

From nimble notes and nervous vibratos, to long sweetly evolving arcs, we've provided natural and nuanced articulations to convey a wide emotional spectrum. Over the years, we've developed techniques to capture the passion of a full performance in every note, and you can feel it here under your fingertips. Get lost in the intensity of Deep Quintet Strings today.

Available now for $150


0:00 - Intro
1:52 - Legato in Kontakt
3:20 - UI & Quintet Overview
4:56 - Arc Glance Poco Vibrato
6:20 - Arc Demos (Full Quintet)
6:48 - Arc Short Senza Vibrato
9:30 - Arc Short Multo Vibrato
10:14 - Mic Control
13:38 - Arc Trailing Vibrato
15:00 - Arcs & Legato Demo
16:58 - 9-Way Round Robin Legato
18:48 - Twin Violins Legato
21:08 - Viola Legato
23:26 - Twin Cellos Legato
24:14 - Quintet & Anthology Strings
27:32 - Twin Violins Legato Agile
30:40 - Outro & Live Demos"

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