MATRIXSYNTH: John Bowen Synth Design Introduces New Solaris Voice Expander

Thursday, June 16, 2022

John Bowen Synth Design Introduces New Solaris Voice Expander

via John Bowen Synth Design

Note this is addressed to existing Solaris owners:

Dear SOLARIS owners,

We are pleased to let you know that we are ready to ship the SOLARIS Voice Expander. The unit adds another 10 voices of polyphony, using the PolyChain function. The price is 1839 EUR net (currently around $1950) plus shipping. The unit's dimension is 37 x 370 x 125 mm (1.46 x 14.6 x 5.0 inches).

Sales and production are handled by Sonic Core. Please contact Sonic Core at for more information.

--- DEUTSCH ---

Liebe SOLARIS-Kunden,

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass wir bereit sind, den SOLARIS Voice Expander auszuliefern. Das Gerät fügt weitere 10 Stimmen Polyphonie hinzu. Der Preis beträgt 1839 EUR netto (aktuell ca. 1.950 $) zzgl. Versand. Die Abmessungen des Geräts betragen 37 x 370 x 125 mm (1,46 x 14,6 x 5,0 Zoll).

Vertrieb und Produktion werden von Sonic Core übernommen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Sonic Core unter für weitere Informationen."

1 comment:

  1. I received mine last week! It's an amazing compliment to an incredible synthesizer. Thanks John, Holger, and the team at Sonic Core!!!


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