Showing posts with label Sonic Core. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sonic Core. Show all posts

Monday, October 17, 2022

Sonic Core Creamware Minimax ASB Polyphonic Minimoog Synth

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

Thursday, June 16, 2022

John Bowen Synth Design Introduces New Solaris Voice Expander

via John Bowen Synth Design

Note this is addressed to existing Solaris owners:

Dear SOLARIS owners,

We are pleased to let you know that we are ready to ship the SOLARIS Voice Expander. The unit adds another 10 voices of polyphony, using the PolyChain function. The price is 1839 EUR net (currently around $1950) plus shipping. The unit's dimension is 37 x 370 x 125 mm (1.46 x 14.6 x 5.0 inches).

Sales and production are handled by Sonic Core. Please contact Sonic Core at for more information.

--- DEUTSCH ---

Liebe SOLARIS-Kunden,

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass wir bereit sind, den SOLARIS Voice Expander auszuliefern. Das Gerät fügt weitere 10 Stimmen Polyphonie hinzu. Der Preis beträgt 1839 EUR netto (aktuell ca. 1.950 $) zzgl. Versand. Die Abmessungen des Geräts betragen 37 x 370 x 125 mm (1,46 x 14,6 x 5,0 Zoll).

Vertrieb und Produktion werden von Sonic Core übernommen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Sonic Core unter für weitere Informationen."

Monday, November 19, 2018

Sonic Core PrOdyssey Hardware Desktop Synth

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

A polyphonic virtual ARP Odyssey.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Roland Kuit's Ars Modular Musica Composed with Sonic Core's Scope Modular IV

Above is Ars Modular Musica I composed solely with Sonic Core's Scope Modular IV software.

You can find Ars Modular Musica I thorugh III at All three were composed with the Modular IV.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Faxi Nadu's Modular Crash Course

"We will be using the Sonic Core Scope DSP Platform and Modular System for this course. You absolutely do not need to own the system, as the concepts shown are valid for any modular system. Of course, you will get an in-depth look at the Scope Modular, and get acquainted with this very nice system. In the last session we will have a brief look at other systems like the Nord Modular G2 and the analog Eurorack (via webcam). Agenda - Basic layout and workflow of Scope DSP System - Why modular? - Differences between modular system concepts - Basic layout and workflow of Scope Modular System - Modular components and signal chain. - Modular tricks and unique modules We will get in depth and build a variety of machines while explaining how and why things are done. Goals of the course: - That you will feel much more comfortable with synthesis in general, and be able to understand better what is going on behind the scenes of any synth. - Getting you going in using modular synthesis. - Providing you with concepts and tools to take your own modular ideas to the next level. - Getting you addicted :)"

via Psy Nina on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Creamware / Sonic Core CS 8000 ASB

A mockup via Laurie in The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Of course Creamware made the Minimax ASB (poly Minimoog), Prodyssey ASB (poly ARP Odyssey), the Pro 12 ASB (SCE Prophet-5) and the B4000 ASB (Hammond B3).  A CS 8000 ASB based on the Yamaha CS80 would have been a nice addition.  The models in the ASB boxes were based on the models Creamware provided for their initial DSP cards.   I don't believe they ever had a model for the CS80 and I don't believe Sonic Core did either.  You can see the current list of Sonic Core Plug-Ins here.  With Arturia having entered the hardware synth market with the Minibrute and Microbrute, it makes you wonder if porting their software models to hardware boxes similar to the ASB boxes from Creamware would be worthwhile.

Friday, August 03, 2012

Sonic Core ProTone demo

YouTube Published on Aug 3, 2012 by BrazdaluiNovac

"This is a track made only with patches from a soundset I am working on for S|C ProTone. Drum and percussion sounds coming from S|C ProTone too

No other effects added,no master, no eq, compression or something that may mislead you, it's the raw sound of the synthesizer. (as much as youtube can reproduce it after conversion)

More patches and demos coming soon featuring synthesizers from Sonic Core.


Monday, July 09, 2012

Sonic Core Prodyssey demo

YouTube Published on Jul 9, 2012 by BrazdaluiNovac

"This is a track made only with patches from a soundset I am working on for S|C Prodyssey. Drum and percussion sounds coming from S|C Prodyssey + S|C EDS16i v2.

No other effects added,no master, no eq, compression or something that may mislead you, it's the raw sound of the synthesizer. (as much as youtube can reproduce it after conversion)

This track will be part of my next album that will be released later this year on Raumklang Music label.

More patches and demos coming soon featuring synthesizers from Sonic Core.


Monday, May 23, 2011

A set of Sonic Core Mod IV sounclips ...

A set of Sonic Core Mod IV sounclips ... by HUROLURA
"A few examples of what can be achieved with the Sonic Core Mod IV.
No additionnal FX, Mod IV only ..."
Note Sonic Core also worked on the Solaris with John Bowen.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sonic Core Scope Modular Madness

YouTube via insanic4 | December 29, 2010 |

"Some modular experiments with the Sonic Core Modular 4 synthesizer which runs on the Scope DSP card. See for more information about the Scope Platform."

Scope Modular Glitch Drum Loop

insanic4 | December 31, 2010 |

'Another Scope Modular experiment with some glitch drum beats."

The Scope Glitch Machine :)

insanic4 | January 04, 2011 |

Sunday, February 22, 2009


JOHN BOWEN SOLARIS SYNTHESIZER PROTOTYPE DEMO NUMBER TWO from RED MARTIAN on Vimeo. Watch the screenshots. It's great to see manufacturers come together like this.
Update: Solaris demo 1 here.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

NAMM: Sonic Core Xite-1 at NAMM 2009

Sonic Core Xite-1 at NAMM 2009 from Greg Hurley on Vimeo.
Update the John Bown Solaris makes an appearance at 6:21.
"Brief interview with Gary B. providing a brief overview of the new Sonic Core Xite-1 high-end audio recording interface.
Jan. 17, 2009"
via Julian

Friday, September 12, 2008

Soniccore (aka Creamware) DIY “Moog” with DX100 Keys

Two more images on Unfortunately there isn't one of the front. If anyone knows where to find one, feel free to comment or shoot me an email. My contact info is on the bottom right of the site.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Next Gen SCOPE

"Innovation "Made in Germany": Sonic Core is going to introduce its newest addition to the SCOPE product line at the MusikMesse show in Frankfurt (Hall 5.1, Stand D10). The SCOPE XITE-1 device combines DSP-based accelerated audio processors with a high-end audio interface. The external 19inch/1U rackmount unit is connected to a PC or Notebook via PCI-Express interface.

Using state-of-the-art SHARC signal processors allows for an increase of processing power by a factor of 10 compared to the older 14DSP SCOPE-Board.

A continuously developed low-latency technology allows the professional user to work with an agreeable, quasi-analog behaving audio platform. The flexible software environment includes a full range of plug-in audio devices: A selection of digital mixers, more than 50 audio effects, samplers and synthesizers in uncompromising sound quality. Additional compatible plug-ins developed by well-known third-party manufacturers continue to be available.

Planned to be released at the same time, the latest SCOPE software (Version 5) is intended to be available for Windows Vista, Windows XP and also Mac OS X.

# 10 x more DSP power than before
# External PCIe / ExpressCard for PC / MAC / Notebooks
# Compatible to the SCOPE Fusion Platform

Scheduled release
May 2008

Retail price
About 2698,- EUR excl. VAT (Introductory Price)"
That would be about 4,137.12 USD. LINK

Note: John Bowen teamed with SONIC CORE to produce the Solaris.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Creamware Assets Absorbed by SonicCore and InDSP

You might remember from this post that Creamware was declared insolvent on December 18, 2006. According to this CDM article it looks like SonicCore will continue to support SCOPE (hardware and software) under the Creamware name and InDSP has absorbed the rights to their hardware synthesizer technology which makes sense as they were responsible for the ASB line of synths. Title link takes you to more details on Create Digital Music.

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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