MATRIXSYNTH: SCI Prophet 5 Rev 2 and Sequential Prophet 10 Rev 4 - Rain

Thursday, July 28, 2022

SCI Prophet 5 Rev 2 and Sequential Prophet 10 Rev 4 - Rain

video upload by Glen H

"Short impro with both Prophets"


This one made me think of Japan's Nightporter driving home for the night.
Richard Barbieri of Japan prominently used a Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 no less.

Update: lyrics added below along with the note above on Japan's Richard Barbieri using the original Sequential Circuits Prophet-5.

Could I ever explain
This feeling of love it just lingers on
The fear in my heart that keeps telling me which way to turn
We'll wander again
Our clothes they are wet
We shy from the rain
Longing to touch all the places we know we can hide
The width of a room that can hold so much pleasure inside
Here am I alone again
A quiet town where life begins
Here am I just wondering
Nightporters go
Nightporters slip away
I'll watch for a sign
And if I should ever again cross your mind
I'll sit in my room and wait until nightlife begins
I'm catching my breath
We'll both brave the weather again
Here am I alone again
A quiet town where life gives in
Here am I just wondering
Nightporters go
Nightporters slip away

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