MATRIXSYNTH: Waldorf Sanctioned MicroQ Emulator Could be Coming - Access Virus TI Emulation on Hold

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Waldorf Sanctioned MicroQ Emulator Could be Coming - Access Virus TI Emulation on Hold

This one was sent in anonynmously.

See this post on the Motorola DSP56300 project for reference, as well as this post on the Access Virus.

The above reads:

"So yeah, we have some news regarding the state of the Waldorf microQ

We are in contact with Waldorf, I visited them some weeks ago and held a short presentation and presented a command line version of the microQ in action. And in principle, they are interested in our tech 👍

I asked today and they gave allowance to mention this to you so you are aware why it got a bit silent over here 🙂

It should be noted that we do not have any kind of written agreement yet, so all of this may not happen at all, but we're working on it. No further development has taken place since I visited them because this might become paid work Therefore, I have to ask for patience. If/when there will be a beta on this Discord is out of our hands and is part of the negotiation. Obviously, I mentioned this Discord server with 3000+ members and people willing to beta test. Also, the viral advantage that this Discord provides

Future updates on the status of the microQ emulation"

Update via the comments:

There is a playlist with the emulator playing the microQ demos online:

And an update on the Access Virus TI emulator (note holding off until the TI is out of production is commendable):

Virus TI technical info / statement
20. APRIL 2022 / DSP56300

We have updated our Technical Info page with some insights about how the multi-DSP setup on the Virus TI works. Also, it has a useful tip for hardware TI owners to maximize voice count in Multi Mode / Sequencer Mode, enjoy! 👍

As questions are imminent, a statement regarding Virus TI emulation:

Virus TI emulation development is done in a private fork of the public project. We do this with the goal to have the whole line of Virus synthesizers emulated, to improve the accuracy and feature set of the emulation in general, to learn about the internal architecture as a preparation for other future synthesizers and of course, because it is a lot of fun!

However, currently we do not have plans to release a version of the emulator that supports the Virus TI, TI2 or Snow as this generation of synthesizers is still being sold. We do not want to negatively impact current or future sales of Kemper GmbH or affiliates, it is exactly the opposite. We appreciate the achievements of Access Music / Kemper and created Virus B & C emulators as an appreciation and to preserve these great synthesizers in a digital form."

Update: The following is demo comparing the Virus C emulator with a Virus TI.

Access Virus TI VS DSP56300 Emulator (With Access Virus C ROM)
video upload by Eyezer Productionz Sound Design

"A VST beta is finally available for the DSP56300 emulator, which is an emulator that emulates the Motorola DSP chip(s) used in the Virus synths. You can load ROM files from the Virus B or C into this emulator (just Google Access Virus ROM and you should be able to find the ROM files), which then allows you to play the factory patches from the Virus B or C. The sound is pretty much 99.99% accurate.

I use the Virus TI to give you an idea of how accurate this emulator sounds. I would even say that the emulator sounds better on certain patches. Some patches are pretty much identical to the TI, while some sounds noticeably different. This is of course nothing new, many people claim that the Virus B and C sounds better (or different is perhaps a better term?) than the TI. I will have to do a more in-depth comparison sometime.

The Virus TI is connected via analog outs to my Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 3rd Gen (front inputs).

Thanks a lot for linking my video on your site! Highly appreciated!"


  1. There is a playlist with the emulator playing the microQ demos online:

  2. There already is a better-than-Micro Q emulator from long ago: the Terratec Komplexer. It can load and save Micro Q patches and sounds. Just as the Largo is a better version of the Blofeld.


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