MATRIXSYNTH: Univox Korg MiniKORG 700S K-2

Thursday, August 04, 2022

Univox Korg MiniKORG 700S K-2

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"Korg's early synthesizer design from the early 70s - this is branded under the Univox name for the North American market. This is the 700s or K-2 version which adds more modulation options and a second oscillator over the 700 or K-1 version. This also has the fine tune slider for the second oscillator, which some 700s/K-2 models don't have. It makes tuning much easier and makes this the best iteration of the Minikorg (in my opinion)!

Very unique sound with the low and hi pass filters in tandem. Controls are easy to use so you can focus on playing. Overall very good cosmetic condition for its age and all the controls work. Missing Univox badge on the back and the previous owner sanded the tabs off the traveler caps so they don't lock together which is a common mod. Tuning is good and stable for a vintage VCO. All keys work. The "effect" on/off toggle make a little noise while flipping it but i bet a little contact cleaner will fix it. Comes with a very beat up original univox case that doesn't look pretty but protects the synth."

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