MATRIXSYNTH: RD-9, TD-3, Buchla & Nord Modular Live from SYNTHON 909 DAY FEST

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

RD-9, TD-3, Buchla & Nord Modular Live from SYNTHON 909 DAY FEST

video upload by The Galaxy Electric

"Here is an excerpt from our SYNTHON 909 Day Fest performance. It was so much fun and such a successful stream. The TR-909 drum machine has become a genuine staple in electronic music production. With an illustrious list of tracks that feature those iconic sounds it is strictly unavoidable. We recently acquired the RD-9 by Behringer which attempts to clone much of the voicing used in the iconic drum machine. Did they do it? You be the judge. Alongside the TD-3, a clone of the TB-303 Bassline, the 909 makes it easy to cop a sense of nostalgia dating back to the 80s. This was a time when folks started implementing these poorly selling machines acquired at Pawn Shop prices to make music for dancing at the club. This underground dance music originated in Chicago, Detroit, and New York but quickly spread to the UK and Europe and took off like a shot. The rest is history, but that doesn't mean it should be forgotten. We took this opportunity to improvise on machines that evoke this sense of nostalgia to conjure the spirit of this very early and often minimal approach to make you move your body. Additional funk provided by the Buchla modular which acts as a synth voice and sampler in this context. The Nord Modular provides the background synths this time, but don't you worry, it will have its day to shine. Thanks to our friends at The Golden Shrimp Guild for encouraging us to join this stream and for being super rad folks in general!

Check out The Golden Shrimp Guild here:"

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