MATRIXSYNTH: Synth excerpt from Always Rivalled (@No Man's Island)

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Synth excerpt from Always Rivalled (@No Man's Island)

video upload by Rune Flobakk

"Small excerpt from a new song, Always Rivalled, I am performing with my band @No Man's Island . Wanted to test out my recently acquired LinnDrum, and perform a multitrack one-take by routing the individual outs from the drum machine through a (also recently acquired) @Erica Synths Matrix Mixer, in order to flexibly assign drums to their own input channels. The polysynth parts are played on an Oberheim Matrix-12, and the bass on a John Bowen Solaris. All sounds and effects is generated 'outside the box' (not using any plugins), and only some mixing levelling and EQ is done post-recording.

The pink pedal you get a glimpse of in the beginning is a @Poly Effects Beebo, which I also use for live playing. Recording is done with an Allen & Heath Qu-16 into Logic on Mac.

The full song also includes vocals, guitars, electric bass, and drums."

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