MATRIXSYNTH: Sound Sample: Loudest Warning Sing To Me (instrumental drone)

Monday, November 07, 2022

Sound Sample: Loudest Warning Sing To Me (instrumental drone)

video upload by Matt Lowery

"Hi friends! Today I’m here with a pretty simple, short video showcasing the Loudest Warning Sing to Me panel. It’s a beautiful instrument, and combines a pair of Buchla 258’s with a small selection of serge modules in a single panel. The truth is, this was a video I captured as an Instagram post, but I was having such a nice time that 1 minute turned into 8 minutes pretty quickly! I remember when I was researching this format, there wasn’t a ton of content or sound samples of Sing To Me, so I figured I’d toss this out for posterity. A touch of reverb and delay were added in post. Have a great day."

Note this is the first post to feature a demo of the panel. One was listed for sale back in Nov here.

Some info & pics via Loudest Warning

"There are quite a few version of this around, some have different names.

258 VCO -> Triple Wave Shaper implementation: Above the 258 VCO’s is a Serge Triple Wave Shaper, normally this has three sections, but on panels with the above design the left hand shaper is one section, the right hand is two sections in series with VC 1 input tied to both of teh two sections simultaneously – configuration:

Bonus mixer between SSG and DTG: This is a simple unity gain mixer with two inputs and one output. On the other side of the DTG (between it and the Dual VCA) are two more outputs which might be labelled PEAK/TROUGH, MIN/MAX or AND/OR, these are all different names for the same thing, that is minimum / maximum outputs derived from the two inputs to the bonus mixer. Some mixers also have a Full Wave Rectifier output.

Most / all other modules are stock and info about use of these can be found on the internet, but here are some interesting things here:

Great information on Serge in general and the Wave Multipliers in particular!"

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