MATRIXSYNTH: Quick guide for LIVEN Lofi-12 v2.0

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Quick guide for LIVEN Lofi-12 v2.0

video upload by ChrisLody

"LIVEN Lofi-12 v2.0:

● Chopping
Two new voice modes called ‘Drum’ and ‘Chop’ auto-slice samples easily with the newly developed Downbeat Divider*. Sliced sections of a sample are then spread across the keyboard making finger drumming possible.

● Resampling
Patterns and tracks can be resampled by internally recording the audio output into a new sample. Real-time resampling of your keyboard playing is also possible.

● Remix Effect
A beat repeater effect ‘R.MIX’, added to the master effect options, makes glitchy real-time performances possible.

The new features are designed to work well with each other so you can easily create drum tracks with auto-slicing and record lively performances that are not constrained by the grid of the internal step sequencer. You can also resample samples and tracks for infinite effects processing and even build your own beats and kits ready to be sliced up in the Drum and Chop modes.

The new features in version 2.0 will further expand your creativity!


*…Downbeat Divider is an auto-slicing function that divides the entire sample into equal portions of equal length by setting the length of one beat. Set the length by the [VOICE] ADJ. It can be set from 0 to 255 for a maximum of 1 second. The default is 0.5 seconds at 167.

PLEASE NOTE: The new Drum sounds I describe were revised shortly after the video was finished so are available as individual samples rather than a bank. Therefore the upload procedure is not the same as shown at the start of the video. Sonicware has provided an update guide for the firmware and new sounds so please refer to that for guidance."

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