MATRIXSYNTH: Synth Rorschach #84

Thursday, March 02, 2023

Synth Rorschach #84

What is it?

See the video below.

Note the patch points appear to be mini pins in to banana plug type sockets.

P.S. Akai gets a label for this one.

video upload by Computer History Archives Project

Rare: Star Trek: Leonard Nimoy explains How Television Works 1977 vintage tech electronics CRT Spock

"Welcome! If you enjoy our historical videos, please help us provide more vintage content with a donation. ~ Your contribution greatly helps! Thank you for your support! ~ Computer History Archives Project. ** Remembering Leonard Nimoy - The following is an excerpt from a rare 1977 documentary on How Television Works, featuring Star Trek's Leonard Nimoy as the narrator and presenter. The film is in full color with animation and excellent vintage footage of early television technology, including early video tape recording (VTR) machines. The original film runs 22 mins. This is a 7 minute excerpt, partially restored from the 16mm film, highlighting Leonard Nimoy’s narration of the technology behind early television up to the 1970’s. Presented for historical review and comment.

Leonard Nimoy is known worldwide for playing Mr. Spock in the Star Trek franchise for nearly 50 years, beginning with the original Star Trek pilots and then 79 episodes from 1966 to 1969, through the Animated Series, numerous Star Trek films, and appearances in Star Trek: The Next Generation. He also appeared in many TV series including The Outer Limits,The Man from Uncle, and in the cast of Mission Impossible (for 49 episodes). Among other things, he directed films Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, and the highly successful Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.
He was born on March 26, 1931 in the West End of Boston, Massachusetts, and died on February 27, 2015, in California."

Update via Johnny Woods in the comments:

Looks like the Stephen Beck Direct Video Synthesizer, which last I heard is in the hands of JJ Stratford. You can see it in her studio here:"

Video Explorers: Jennifer Juniper Stratford

video upload by LZX Industries

LZX Presents: Video Explorers, a new series of interviews with artists who use video synthesizers. In this episode, Johnny Woods travels to Los Angeles to talk to JJ Stratford, artist, director, and proprietor of Telefantasy Studios."

An LZX eurorack modular video synthesizer is featured in the video as well.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the Stephen Beck Direct Video Synthesizer, which last I heard is in the hands of JJ Stratford. You can see it in her studio here:


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