MATRIXSYNTH: Erica Synths Introduces No oscillators, 8 voice polyphony STEAMPIPE

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Erica Synths Introduces No oscillators, 8 voice polyphony STEAMPIPE

A new desktop synth from Erica Synths minus the ocillators?

Details follow:

No oscillators, 8 voice polyphony.

The Steampipe is a true physical modelling synthesizer developed in close collaboration with Dutch company 112.dB.

The Steampipe has no conventional oscillators. Instead, it mimics the way sound is created in wind instruments and it is fine-tuned to create a wide range of sounds - everything from wind instruments to strings, pipe organs, crazy effects and beyond. The Steampipe has three major sections – STEAM, PIPE and REVERBERATOR.

The STEAM section can be compared to the lungs and mouth of a musician. The generator creates the flow of air or “steam”, the envelope in this section determines the force with which it is blown out. DC/noise is the noise you get when blowing out. DC/Noise on the Steampipe can also be replaced with an external audio source.

The PIPE section can be compared to a flute. In the pipe, the tune is formed. Push (in feedback) bounces the steam like it does in a flute and generates the tone. The delay box subsection changes the flute’s tuning and shape.

The REVERBERATOR adds space and ambience to the sound.

The Steampipe is optimized for performance with wind MIDI controllers and it works great with any MIDI keyboard. The overtones the Steampipe produces are very organic and rich and it comes with great-sounding presets. The Steampipe is rather versatile and allows for nuanced sonic exploration, conjuring sonic imagery ranging from from wisps of cloud to fairground band organs, then to industrial horns of the railroad and finally, to massive, otherworldly ambiences.

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