MATRIXSYNTH: OB-6 vs OB-X8: is the new Oberheim really worth $5000?

Monday, June 05, 2023

OB-6 vs OB-X8: is the new Oberheim really worth $5000?

video upload by Miles Away

"Synthesizer comparison and shoot out of the new Oberheim OB-X8 against the Sequential OB-6. Which one should you buy? How do they compare for vintage and modern synth sounds?

Get my custom synth patches:

0:00 - intro talking
0:52 - sound comparison
1:25 - oscillators
7:45 - filters
15:02 - modulation
24:39 - stereo spread
26:11 - arp, glide and unison
27:52 - unique features on OB-6
30:34 - unique features on OB-X8
33:44 - final verdict, which one should you get?"

Update: you can find additional comparisons in previous posts here.


  1. they're both modern, made in china, carefully not labeled as such. i'd expect them to endure for about as long as your previous cell phone, with comprable maintenance and resale value.

  2. What was the retail price of the OB-X? In today's money, also. Was that scrutinized back then?

  3. People do seem to go out of their way not to post any picture of the OB-X8 manufacturer label, even in eBay or Reverb sales where pictures in detail are expected. Almost as if there is some kind of conspiracy of covert influence. I will find one, but the difficulty is suspicious.

  4. The label states "Assembled in USA" which always means Chinese parts. I suppose if OB-X8 were completely manufactured in California it would cost $10,000 to $20,000. USA has priced itself out of everything. I am waiting for the day when Americans can't afford to buy anything and end up being China's manufacturing base, just to pay off our trillions in national and personal debt.


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