MATRIXSYNTH: Korg PS-3100 Its Alive!

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Korg PS-3100 Its Alive!

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Pics of the inside below.

"Aesthetic condition 7/10

Electronically 90%

Functionality 65%


The instrument turns on and makes sound. Keybed is working via the trigger output fully and trigger all notes, however some note behave differently and randomly. This most likely cause by the cracked pcd slots, which is a n issue with most ps-series synths. I recommend you take a look at the youtube video.

Wave forms, vco, is working and can select pulse, saw, noise etc. Other functions seem to be functioning correctly via the eg output. Also all other functions on the control panel seems to be working as it should.

Buttons and knobs are working, but need work or replacement as there is some crackle and noticeable hiccup especially with the switches and selectors. This probably needs cleaning or replacement.

Originally when i bought this synth it did not turn on, so I asked the tech to change all the capacitors (about 100) to see if it will turn on and make sound safely.

As mentioned above, the pcb slots are cracked and need replacement. There is a 80% chance that after replacing these slots, the synth will work properly but i will leave that judgement to a pro.

Also some retracing or treatment need to be done, due to corrosion (10%). I have more photo's and video's available, a drive link can be shared to see."

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