MATRIXSYNTH: Patching the Octave Cat

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Patching the Octave Cat

video upload by boxoftextures

"Another amazing vintage synth recreation from Cherry Audio, this time the Octave Cat. Although possibly it should really be The Cat, from Octave. Either way, it's fun to program and sounds great. Always wanted one, back in the day. They also made the Kitten, a smaller version, and the Catstick, a joystick you could hook up to your other synths. Still want one of those!

And the Cherry Audio software version is excellent. It has character, and power. And it adds an extra page the original didn't have, with effects and a sequencer. Oh, and adds polyphony too. But it was the '70s, and we didn't really have such things back then, or at least most of us didn't.

In this video I'm making four patches from scratch. As usual. What's a little different is that I usually make a few before recording a video, just to get a feel for the synth. For this one though I just dove right in, so at times it may have taken me a little while to notice things, or figure them out. But it's not an overly complicated synth so wasn't a huge issue. And it sounds great. Which I may have mentioned before LOL


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