MATRIXSYNTH: ST Modular - SUM MIX & PAN (Mix, Pan, Scan, VCA)

Saturday, July 01, 2023

ST Modular - SUM MIX & PAN (Mix, Pan, Scan, VCA)

video upload by Stefan Tretau


00:00 All at once!
00:18 Channel per Channel VCA and PAN
02:05 SCAN & SPAN #1
02:54 SCAN & SPAN CV
03:29 VCA & SCAN
04:58 SCAN & SPAN #2"


18HP 4-Channel Mixer with VCA, CV PAN and CV SCAN

MIX & PAN completes the ST Modular SUM mixer series with a fully CV-controlled 4-channel mixer. It features

CV PAN, VCA per channel and a CV CHANNEL SCANNER. Each channel has a VOLUME SLIDER and a VOL CV input to control the internal VCA. The panning per channel can be adjusted with the PAN controls or the PAN CV inputs. LEDs indicate the channel volume and the state

of the panning.

All channels are summed and can be tapped at the main output jack. The SCAN and SPAN functions are really the most outstanding features of the module. They provide a unique

way to mix 1 to 4 channels using one or two CV signals applied to the SCAN and/or SPAN CV inputs. The scan functionality allows you to output a selection of channels by turning the SCAN knob or applying CV to the SCAN input. The range of channels that are activated is set manually or by CV using the SPAN knob. This not only narrows down the active channels from all to just one, but also reduces the effect the SCAN CV has

on the VCAs, as if you were shortening their decay time. When both SCAN and PAN are in the centre position and you turn SCAN, you activate one of the four channels at a time. If vou increase SPAN, more of the adiacent channels become audible until all channels have reached maximum volume (from mid to cw position). If vou decrease SPAN again, onlv one scanned channel will be

audible (mid position) and it will then start to fade out shorter (turning from mid to cc position). If a CV signal is present at the SCAN CV input and you turn SCAN to the left, the activated channels are narrowed to the left. Converselv, if vou turn the knob to the right, onlv channels 3 and 4 are activated, and in

the rightmost position, only channel 4. This module is great for creating ever-changing and organic soundscapes throughout the complete stereo

field, making your composition a very varied and a persistently interesting listening experience.

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