MATRIXSYNTH: 5 Sound examples of the hardware CS80 versus the Arturia CS80V. Can you hear the difference?

Sunday, September 24, 2023

5 Sound examples of the hardware CS80 versus the Arturia CS80V. Can you hear the difference?

video upload by Jose's Vintage Keys

"Many followers asked me to do this side by side test. I didn't use poly aftertouch - to create a very objective comparison. You can even join our online quiz - give your answers via de following link: #vintagesynths #arturia #quiz"


CS80 Hardware versus Arturia plug - who could spot the difference?

video upload by Jose's Vintage Keys

"I made 5 sound examples on the real CS80 and the Arturia plugin version. Over 300 people took the test. Here are the results!"

1 comment:

  1. I have been wondering if this would ever come to pass. CS80 owners' pride is on the line.


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