MATRIXSYNTH: Terraforming | Extending Soma Lab's Terra with midi

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Terraforming | Extending Soma Lab's Terra with midi

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"When I started this journey I was looking forward to use the Terra MPE mode as a fancy controller. I made a video, and deleted it later because it didn't meet my expectations compared to dedicated controllers like the Linnstrument and the Seaboard. The old video ended with a lot of speculation and a nice patch with Terra and a modular setup. It wasn't any good. But I could not let it rest either.

It did not use the knob/sensor mappings and I did not check how it would behave as a controller for an MPE PC/VST setup. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't spectacular. Terra uses fixed Midi CC messages, and my VST did not support midi learn. It was another dead end. Yesterday I decided to make a CC mapping for the Endorphin_es Shuttle Control and tried a full modular MIDI to CV route, mapping all Terra's knobs and the ABCD sensors. This turned out to work really well. This video is not intended as a 'how to do it', because I am still working on it. It also requires the right eurorack modules and there are just too many converters/options.

It's been a connectivity nightmare that took way too much time and energy. But now my Shuttle has a preset mapping and I can now start experimenting and exploring. I really enjoyed the music and sounds that emerged along the ride. The footage I used is from Iceland."

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