MATRIXSYNTH: u-he Filterscape 1.5 – The Creative Multi-Talent

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

u-he Filterscape 1.5 – The Creative Multi-Talent

video upload by u-he

"Available here:

Version 1.5 of our classic Filterscape plugin bundle has received a major overhaul: a sleek new look, better sounding EQs and new analogue filter models, among other things. Filterscape FX gives you a set of powerful 4-band EQs and multi-mode filters to shape your sounds in unprecedented ways. Filterscape Q6 has a slightly reduced feature set but sports 6 EQ bands and is more focussed on dynamic tasks. Filterscape VA is a complete virtual analogue synthesizer with a polyphonic morphing EQ.u-he,synthesizer,synths,VST,AU,plugin,synth,analogue,analog"

Filterscape FX/Q6 – Preset Walkthrough

video upload by u-he

"Here is a selection of presets from Filterscape FX/Q6 (version 1.5). We used a broad range of audio material, and tweaked some of the controls while recording.

Music by Seb (Hyboid)

00:00 - Intro
00:07 - Diva Pad
03:07 - Hive Sequence
05:31 - Beats
09:10 - Electric Piano
11:46 - Clean Electric Guitar
14:54 - Distorted Electric Guitar
17:44 - Orchestra
20:20 - Drummachine
23:19 - Acoustic Drums (Filterscape Q6 presets)"

1 comment:

  1. Filterscape va Demo


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