MATRIXSYNTH: What is Salome?

Thursday, October 26, 2023

What is Salome?

video upload by Bram Bos

"A quick look at Salome:
- what does it do?
- how to use it?

Salome is a sampling gadget for quickly capturing (or importing) any snippet of sound, creating seamless loops out of it, and playing it polyphonically using MPE, MIDI or the onscreen controls.

I made Salome, because I needed something that would allow me to easily create seamlessly looping soundscapes, without the need to use sound editing applications. Salome allows you to do all of this within your host/DAW, in mere seconds.

The onscreen play-controls provide basic (but expressive) tools for performing soundscapes and ambient pieces. Obviously, you can also use any other MPE/MIDI controller - hardware or software to play Salome.

Plugins for iOS and MacOS (ARM and Intel) are included, so you can move projects from your mobile device to your laptop, and vice-versa."

1 comment:

  1. thank you for the heads up! Love this. Such an incredible creative tool


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