MATRIXSYNTH: The Vanishing Night

Friday, November 03, 2023

The Vanishing Night

video upload by davidryle

"Good things happen in pairs sometimes...

Two new Synthetic Sound Labs 1201 TZ-VC Oscillators are the main project center. I sent the lower tuned sine wave (modulator) to the higher tuned (carrier) phase modulation input. I routed the modifier through a vca with a random S&H amount to give it a little life.The modulator was pitch tracked from one of a pair of Matrix Algorithmic Composer modules from SSL. The carrier was pitch stable. The wave of the carrier is a triangle wave through the Grove Audio G294A LPF. It is the final tuned percussive sound trailing at the end with the drone.
The other paired oscillators were the drone duet played by the STG Soundlabs vco's through a Q107 SVF in low pass. The pair of STG VMS sequencers are the pitch source.
The bass part is a trio of Mos-Lab 901's and an SSL 1200 vco. They are low pass filtered with the LWSS M401 Multimode Filter/Resonator. The upper Q960 step sequencer is the pitch source.
The opening synthetic pan drum sound is a Q106 saw wave and the square wave output of the second Matrix module run through the Oakley Ring Modulator and a Q150 LPF. The Q106 is pitch controlled by taking the Matrix cv through a quantizer and then a S&H to limit the cv range.
The second percussive voice was the PWM output of the modulator 1201 through a Mega Ohm Audio MA20 vcf in high pass then a EHX Grand Canyon reverb and finally stereo phase shifters from the Lexicon MX200.
Snare sound is the SSL Woven Spirits (MI Plaits) and the Kick is the Delptronics LDB-2e. Percussive timings are handled by the Moon Modular 563 Trigger Sequencer.
The drone loop arpeggio is the Dove Audio D900 Mu-Seq into a Q106 saw wave to an EHX Canyon pedal in multi-tapped delay mode."

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