MATRIXSYNTH: dual octaver

Thursday, January 25, 2024

dual octaver

video upload by e j

via Optotronics

"The octaver is a great addition to the dual CEM VCO module (the square wave output should be routed to the pulse input).

It's based on the original Thomas Henry's VCO Maximus. It is a perfect tool for generating additional musical fifth or suboctave tones. Moreover octaver 2 input is connected to the output of the octaver 1 for additional divisions! Of course you can use them separately as well. The great thing is that this module allows you to create very interesting soundwaves and rhytms...

According to Thomas Henry : 'The pulse signal is routed to an XOR/flip-flop arrangement which generates an additional musical fifth or suboctave tone added in. You can think of this in terms of harmonics, or if you wish, as a definite harmony playing in tandem, e.g., a C note with a G note mixed in.

The pulse output from the CEM3340 is sent to Schmitt trigger to sharpen up the signal a bit. The firmed up pulse then goes to switch 'interval' which lets you choose between the addition of a fifth or an octave derived pitch. If numbers are your bag, then think of these as divide-by-1.5 and divide-by-2, respectively. On the far end, switch 'octave select' can further halve things to divide-by-3 and divide-by-6, i.e., a fifth and an octave one octave lower yet.

Polarity switch lets you add or subtract the subdivided signal from the original pulse, effectively doubling the number of waveforms possible. The output of the flip-flops is sent to one side of the blend pot, while the other side t is fed by an isolated version of the original pulse.'"

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