MATRIXSYNTH: Midiverse Modular - SideBander - Announcement/Demo Video

Monday, January 08, 2024

Midiverse Modular - SideBander - Announcement/Demo Video

video upload by Midiverse - TV

"What's up everybody? Welcome to Midiverse - TV! We've been hard at work on a new eurorack module collaboration project with our friend Cory Kiser, we're excited to announce the module is now available. Check it out!"

via Midiverse Reverb

"Sidebander is a Eurorack module that employs additive synthesis to create FM synthesis sounds.

FM synthesis, known for its complexity, is made more accessible and performance-friendly with Sidebander.

The inspiration for Sidebander originated from the "tone clusters" famously utilized by Penderecki, which its developer discovered through the collaborative works of Radiohead's guitarist, Johnny Greenwood, with Penderecki. The developer of Sidebander eventually recognized a fascinating link between these tone clusters and FM synthesis.

Intriguingly, FM synthesis naturally produces sidebands that deviate from a carrier wave's fundamental frequency, mirroring the concept of equally spaced tone clusters in an unexpected way. Furthermore, when these sidebands are exceptionally close to the fundamental frequency, they create effects akin to unison or chorusing.

Sidebander offers a novel approach to exploring sonic landscapes, enabling users to extract pure waveforms, unison effects, FM-like sounds, and tone clusters, all within a single, versatile module.

Original concept and firmware developed by: Cory Kiser"

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