MATRIXSYNTH: Metasonix R-56 Vacuum-Tube Spring Reverb

Saturday, February 03, 2024

Metasonix R-56 Vacuum-Tube Spring Reverb

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11/16/23 Metasonix R-56 + Birdkids Unicorn Boom + Gieskes VU Perc + TR-606 + Tapco 4400 + CXM 1978 video upload by Cfpp0

via this auction

"If not for Metasonix, I would never have bought any eurorack. Metasonix is a legendary company, producing legendary products. And, of them, this R-56 is amongst the rarest.

The R-56 has been out of production for years, and will never be re-released. We’ve all asked. The parts are simply not available. So these are rare, and expensive.

It’s a WTF sort of module. A spring reverb you can voltage control. It has a unique sound, even within the Metasonix realm. Customers complained about wanting MORE gain, said the great Tube Pioneer, so this module has it. That insane gain, plus the ability to feedback an electromechanical spring reverb, make it a module that requires finesse (and maybe an attenuator, or matrix mixer). If you are impatient, or unfamiliar with Metasonix‘s quirks, please pass on this listing. It’s odd. Really weird. Also it requires a lot of power for the cold inrush, power on, tube warm up, so you’ll need a nice beefy power supply like an RKP or Trogotronic.

The video in this listing’s photo section features the sound of this exact module.

More likely, you’ve been longing for this, but the blood sport that is Metasonix’s secondary market has kept you from your dark distorted springy dreams. Realize them now. Live them. Buy."

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