MATRIXSYNTH: XAOC Sopot | Magic Duct Tape for your audio puzzles (w. MakeNoise RxMx, Plaits & Frames)

Sunday, March 03, 2024

XAOC Sopot | Magic Duct Tape for your audio puzzles (w. MakeNoise RxMx, Plaits & Frames)

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"I got Sopot a few weeks ago, but got focused on the Leibniz modules and forgot about it a bit. It almost never made it to a case because space is limited and I had to make choices. Yesterday I checked out the manual, tried some patches and a wealth of new ideas just popped up. This is a simple 6HP utility, costing around 90 euro, but it can solve a fortune of mixing challenges when a big fancy mixer is not an option.

In short, Sopot is a summing mixer with four stereo inputs (!) four mono inputs (!!) and mid/side outputs, or mono/stereo if you wish. The mono inputs are normalled to the center, but can be panned 50%/50% with a little center spread. This design is amazing. Highly recommended."

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